The Olive Gem of the Garden

Meet the Sedum makinoi, a perennial herb that's as charming as it is versatile. This plant is a true gem, with its olive-colored leaves and sunlit, lime flowers that bloom during peak season. It's a plant that doesn't just add a touch of beauty to your garden, but also invites a variety of ecosystem helpers and avian visitors.

Sedum makinoi

Partial To Full Sun

Can handle a mix of direct and bright light throughout the day.

Low Water Needs

Thrives in dry conditions. Ideal for low-maintenance gardens or forgetful waterers.

Clay or Sandy Soils Preferred

Grows in clay or sandy soils, which can present challenges in soil structure and stability.

Moderately Adaptable Soil pH

Can thrive in multiple pH ranges.

Safe For Humans

No known toxic effects or skin irritation risks.

Safe for All Animals

No known safety risks to pets or livestock.


Ease Of Care Score


Safety Score

About Sedum makinoi

The Sedum makinoi is a low-growing plant, standing at a petite 2 to 4 inches in height and spreading out 4 to 12 inches wide. Its leaves are long-lived and vivid, adding a splash of olive green to your garden. When it's in bloom, you'll be treated to a display of sunlit, lime flowers that serve as a delightful contrast to the plant's foliage.

Despite its delicate appearance, the Sedum makinoi is a hardy plant that can thrive in various conditions. It's also known as a 'fat plant' due to its ability to store water in its leaves, making it a great choice for those who are looking for a low-maintenance addition to their garden.


Yes, the Sedum makinoi is an edible plant. However, it's always best to consult with a plant specialist or do thorough research before consuming any plant.

Our design recommendations

The Sedum makinoi is perfect for fringe and collective planting. Its compact size and attractive foliage make it an excellent choice for filling up urns or for creating a lush, green carpet in your garden. Plus, its vibrant flowers add a pop of color that's sure to catch the eye. This plant is versatile when it comes to landscape location. It can be planted in domestic plants, habitat spaces, play areas, stone barricades, and inclines. It's a great way to add a touch of nature to any space.